Student life

Cegeps En Spectacle

Become an actor in student life!

The Center offers a rich and varied student life where social, community, cultural and sporting worlds combine. The student life team is there to support your initiatives.

During your stay, you will be able to get involved in several committees, participate in activities or join different sports teams. Contributing to student life will allow you to meet new people and have memorable moments.

Visit the Student Life Facebook page (Vie Étudiante CECC) to find out more!


Cégeps en spectacle

Cégeps en spectacle is the largest French-speaking performing arts competition in Quebec colleges. Each year, several emerging artists present dance, singing, music, theater, public speaking, humor and circus arts numbers.

Come meet student life to register for the local competition which takes place at the beginning of November.

Writing marathon

24 hours… 3 locations… 1 theme and more than 150 students from Quebec CEGEPs and colleges who let the words flow and who produce, individually, several short texts.

Free writing periods and creative workshops led by Quebec writers punctuate the marathon, which also takes on the appearance of an intercollegiate literary competition, since participants submit their texts to a jury. A collection of the best texts is produced and the winners are published in Urbania magazine.

Prix littéraire des collégiens

The Prix littéraire des collégiens is awarded each year by a jury made up of college students. It pursues a dual objective: to raise awareness of contemporary Quebec literature and to serve as a place for expressing the literary tastes of young students. The reading group formed around mid-November.

Competitive sports

Student-athletes represent the Center at sporting events organized by the Réseau du sport étudiant du Québec (RSEQ), following the rules and categories established by this organization.

Cross country

Cross-country is an athletics event which consists of a race in nature with distances of 6 km for women and 8 km for men.

The regular season consists of three competitions, including the Northeast Conference Championship.

There will be an individual ranking (female or male) at each competition and a cumulative ranking at the end of the regular season. There will also be a team ranking (female, male and combined) at each competition, as well as a cumulative ranking at the end of the regular season.

Being part of the cross-country team means:

  • one organized training session per week (Tuesday evening);
  • workouts in the weight room;
  • academic and sports supervision;
  • the pride of being part of the Les Ardents team, the official sports team of the Center.

Open to all at the start of the year.


Swimming offers two packages: individual events (women’s and men’s) and relay. Each swimmer can register for a maximum of two swims plus one relay per day.

The regular season consists of four competitions, including the Northeast Conference Championship.

Being part of the swim team means:

  • training with the local Natchib swimming club;
  • academic and sports supervision;
  • the pride of being part of the Kioki team, the official sports team of Cégep de St-Félicien.

Open to all at the start of the year.

Women's Volleyball D2

The Division 2 women’s volleyball regular season consists of five competitions, in addition to the SLSJ Playoff tournament. Depending on the team’s qualifications, it can obtain access to the Northeast Conference championship and always depending on the results in the provincial championship.

Being part of the women’s volleyball team means:

  • two training sessions per week (Monday and Wednesday evening);
  • additional training every other Sunday;
  • academic and sports supervision;
  • the pride of being part of the Les Ardentes team, the official sports team of the Center.

Do you want to follow the CECC sports teams? Subscribe to the Facebook page!

Recreational sport

Hockey cosom

Open to all (students, staff members and the public)

When: Monday evenings from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Responsible: Carl-Luc Laferrière


Open to all (students, staff members and the public)

When: Wednesday evenings from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Responsible: Carl-Luc Laferrière


Open to all (students, staff members and the public)

When: Friday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Sundays from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Responsible: Jean Bédard


Open to students and staff

When: lunchtime

Responsible: Marilou Noël

Need additional information?

Contact Jackie Meunier, recreation technician at 418 748-7637, ext. 5234 or by email at



The Regroupement des étudiantes et des étudiants du Centre collégial à Chibougamau (REECCC) is made for you! All students at the Center are members and have the right to speak and vote at general meetings.


  • Represent the students
  • Defend the academic, economic, social and political rights and interests of students
  • Promote the development of social awareness
  • Promote student activity
  • Administer student funds


If you want to get involved, come see us at student life!

You can contact the REECCC by email at


To find out more, visit the group’s REECCC Facebook page.